Presiding Bishop Michael Curry’s Surgery Rescheduled Due to Family Matters

The surgery for Presiding Bishop Michael Curry has been rescheduled for September 20, according to a press release from the church’s Office of Public Affairs. The procedure was originally scheduled for September 8, but the surgeon needed to reschedule for “family matters.”

Presiding Bishop Michael Curry

Presiding Bishop Michael Curry’s Surgery Rescheduled

The surgery for Presiding Bishop Michael Curry has been rescheduled for September 20, according to a press release from the church’s Office of Public Affairs. The procedure was originally scheduled for September 8, but the surgeon needed to reschedule for “family matters.”

Michael Surgery Details

Curry will undergo surgery to remove his right adrenal gland and an attached mass. His surgeon estimates his recovery period will be two to three weeks, after which Curry is expected to resume his regular work schedule.

Earlier also Curry was admitted

Curry was admitted to the hospital on August 17, after a reoccurrence of the internal bleeding that required him to be hospitalized over Memorial Day weekend. He was diagnosed with a subdural hematoma, a collection of blood between the skull and brain. He underwent surgery to remove the blood clot and was released from the hospital on August 20.

Recovery of Curry

Curry will continue working from home between now and after his surgery as he recovers. He will resume his normal schedule once he recuperates, though his September and October schedules will be adjusted accordingly.

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Prayers for Healing

The press release asks Episcopalians to please continue to pray for the presiding bishop, his family and his entire medical team.


Presiding Bishop Michael Curry’s surgery has been rescheduled for September 20. He is expected to make a full recovery and resume his regular work schedule in two to three weeks. In the meantime, Episcopalians are asked to pray for his healing and for his family and medical team.


What is the reason for the surgery?

Presiding Bishop Michael Curry is scheduled to undergo surgery to remove his right adrenal gland and an attached mass. The adrenal glands are two small glands located on top of the kidneys. They produce hormones that are important for a variety of functions, including regulating blood pressure, metabolism, and the immune system.

When is the surgery scheduled for?

The surgery has been rescheduled for September 20, 2023.

How long is the recovery period?

The surgeon estimates that the recovery period will be two to three weeks.

What are the risks associated with the surgery?

All surgeries have some risks, but the risks of this surgery are relatively low. The most common risks include bleeding, infection, and complications related to anesthesia.

How do you support Presiding Bishop Michael Curry?

You can also make a donation to the Episcopal Church’s Foundation for Ministry, which will support his medical expenses.

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