Chandrayaan-3 was a successful mission by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) to land a spacecraft on the Moon. 

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The GSLV Mk-III rocket that launched Chandrayaan-3 used a cryogenic engine, which is a type of rocket engine that uses liquid hydrogen 

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A cryogenic engine

And liquid oxygen as fuel. Cryogenic engines are more efficient than traditional solid-fuel rockets, which allowed Chandrayaan-3 to carry a heavier payload to the Moon. 

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Chandrayaan-3 used a precise guidance system to land on the Moon. The guidance system used a combination of sensors and algorithms 

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A precise guidance system

to track the spacecraft's position and velocity, and to make necessary adjustments to ensure a safe landing. 

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Chandrayaan-3 carried a rover called Pragyan, which was designed to explore the lunar surface. 

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A robust rover

Pragyan was equipped with a variety of scientific instruments, including a spectrometer, a camera, and a magnetometer. 

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Chandrayaan-3 also used a variety of other technologies, such as solar panels, batteries, and thermal control systems.

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A variety of other technologies

The successful launch and landing of Chandrayaan-3 was a major achievement for ISRO. The mission demonstrated India's capabilities in space exploration.

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